Dog Licenses

 Use the link On line Dog Registration to register your dog(s).


Dog Licenses Fees & FAQ's


  • When do dogs need to be licensed?:
    Annually by January 1st of every year.
  • How much does it cost?
    • $6.00 if animal has been neutered or spayed  
    • $11.00 if animal has not been neutered or spayed.
  • When do Late fees start and how much?:  
    $25.00 after January 31st in addition to the regular fee.  
  • What do I need?:
    Please bring proof that your dog(s) has been immunized against rabies and, if neutered or spayed, bring a copy of the certificate as well.

Dog Owner:
If your dog is no longer living or is not in your possession, please call the City Clerk’s office at 827-3980, so that we may correct your records and avoid any unnecessary action.